Share your views on the introduction of ISA technology

It has been reported this week that rules to mandate speed limiter technology in cars have been provisionally agreed by the EU and that it is likely that Intelligent Speed Assistance will be required for all new cars sold in Europe by 2022. Regardless of Brexit outcomes, the UK government has already indicated its support.

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This diagram illustrates how the system would work

This diagram illustrates how the system would work

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* 1. What is your view of the planned introduction of speed limiters in vehicles?

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* 2. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree Not Disagree Disagree Strongly Disgaree
I think the introduction of speed limiters is a good idea as too many people drive too fast these days
I would avoid getting a new car with such a device fitted
Technology such as speed limiters is helpful in reducing accidents and will have a positive road safety benefit
This is a step too far and is overly controlling / ‘big brother’
Most people will switch off the device on every journey rendering it pointless
Speed limiter technology would be a helpful feature to keep me within the speed limit and avoiding a fine

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* 3. How would you describe yourself as a road user (tick as many as apply)?

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* 4. Have you ever been caught speeding?

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* 5. What age are you?

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* 6. Please add any other comments