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* 1. Over 2,500 people die in BHRUT hospitals each year and, in 2015, the CQC rated EOLC in our organisation as ‘good’ across the board. Please choose two ambitions from the following list that you think we need to focus on to improve the care that patients receive at the end of their life?

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* 2. In your view, what is the biggest obstacle BHRUT faces in providing excellent end of life care for every patient and the people important to them?

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* 3. And finally - you can view the draft strategy document by clicking here. Please provide any comments/ feedback in the box below

Claire Bates, Clinical Lead & Consultant in Palliative Medicine is happy to receive any direct feedback as well. She can be contacted at Dr Bates would also welcome telephone contact from GPs who would like to discuss the issue of end of life care with her. Please call 01708 435 026, ext 2080/ 6713