Plastic Pollution - Surveying Your Actions

As part of Coastal Futures 2019 Bob Earll and The Marine Conservation Society are collaborating on an exercise to explore what informed individuals are doing about plastic pollution.  We would like to ask you to complete a short survey regarding your views on plastic pollution and single use plastics in particular; this should only take 10 minutes of your time, and all responses are anonymous. We are particularly interested in what steps you are taking as an individual.

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* 1. How concerned are you about the issue of marine plastic pollution?

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* 2. How long have you understood marine plastic pollution to be a problem?

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* 3. How would you rate your concern about the amount of single use plastic used in the UK?

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* 4. Has your concern changed over the last two years?

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* 5. Do you feel you have enough information on the marine plastic pollution issue?

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* 6. Have you reduced your single use plastic in the last two years?

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* 7. Which of the following changes have you made in your life? (unless medical exception)

  1 I never do this 2 I sometimes do this 3 I mostly do this 4 I always do this
Reusable water bottle
Reusable cup for hot drinks
Reusable carrier bag
Refuse plastic straws
Refuse all types of straws
Don't use Flushable wet wipes
Don't use Non-flushable wet wipes
Take my own resuable cutlery
Take own container for produce e.g. meat/cheese
Bought loose fruit/vegetables over plastic wrapped

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* 8. What motivates your actions?

  1 Never 2 3 4 5 Always
Concern about the environment
Concern about marine plastics
Reduces chances of littering
To buy more environmentally friendly products
Media documentaries e.g. Blue Planet
Peer pressure
Concern for future generations
NGO campaigning

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* 9. What do you feel limits your actions?

  1 Never 2 3 4 5 Always
Limited availability in my local shops/supermarket
Lack of alternative
Confusion over alternatives available
Confusion over the right choice
Peer pressure

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* 10. Do you do any of the following additional actions?

  1. Never 2. Occasionally 3. Often 4.  Always
Do you pick up plastic or other litter routinely?
Do you question café's/ restaurants regarding their use of single use plastics?
Do you take part in online petitions to pressure organisations/Gvt's regarding plastic pollution?
Do you try and bring about change within your workplace?
Do you try and bring about change within your community?
Do you publicise your concern  via your networks, social media or groups (e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc)?

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* 11. Please read the following description before answering the question below... 
A Deposit Return Scheme would introduce a financial incentive to encourage the public to recycle drinks containers (e.g. plastic, glass, metal etc). It means customers pay a deposit on a drinks container at the point of purchase, which is then paid back to the consumer when the empty drinks container is returned to a designated collection point. 
Which, if any, of the following types of drinks containers do you think should be included in a Deposit Return Scheme? (Please select all that apply)

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* 12. Regards a Deposit Return Scheme, which ONE, if any, of the following BEST describes the size of drinks containers that should be included in a Deposit Return Scheme? (If you don't think the Deposit Return Scheme should be applied to any size of drinks container in particular, please select the 'Not applicable option')