Shop Local, Shop Safe
Siopwch yn lleol, Siopwch yn ddiogel

While grocery retailers and those with an online presence have been able to trade through the coronavirus, there are many high street retailers that have been forced to go into hibernation, exacerbating an already fragile situation.

With non-essential shops now in a position to reopen, Vale of Glamorgan Council is looking to embark on a marketing campaign to encourage residents back to their local high street and stimulate local spending in our town centres.

In preparation for this campaign, we want to assess the views of local residents and we would therefore be grateful if you could complete this survey.

Tra bod manwerthwyr groser a’r rheiny gyda phresenoldeb ar lein wedi gallu masnachu drwy’r coronafeirws, mae llawer o fanwerthwyr stryd wedi cael eu gorfodi i mewn i aeafgwsg, yn gwaethygu sefyllfa sy’n barod yn fregus.

Gyda siopau di-hanfodol nawr mewn sefyllfa i ail agor, mae Cyngor Bro Morgannwg yn edrych i gychwyn ymgyrch marchnata i annog preswylwyr nol i’w stryd fawr leol ac i ysgogi gwario lleol yng nghanol ein trefi.

Wrth baratoi ar gyfer yr ymgyrch hwn, rydym eisiau asesu safbwyntiau preswylwyr lleol a byddwn yn ddiolchgar pe byddwch yn cwblhau’r arolwg hwn.

Question Title

* 1. What local high street do you visit the most?
Pa stryd fawr leol ydych yn ymweld â mwyaf aml?

Question Title

* 2. Before the pandemic, how often would you shop on your local high street?
Cyn y pandemig, pa mor aml y byddech yn siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol?

Question Title

* 3. During the pandemic, did your shopping habits change?
Yn ystod y pandemig, a wnaeth eich arferion siopa newid?

Question Title

* 4. During the pandemic, were you more inclined to support local independent businesses?
Yn ystod y pandemig, oeddech yn fwy tebygol o gefnogi busnesau annibynnol lleol?

Question Title

* 5. Do you shop on your local high street more or less since the pandemic?
Ydych chi'n siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol yn fwy neu'n llai ers y pandemig?

Question Title

* 6. During lockdown, what type of retailer did you miss the most?
Yn ystod bod dan gyfyngiadau, pa fath o fanwerthwr oeddech wedi gweld eisiau fwyaf?

Question Title

* 7. Have you been out shopping on your local high street yet?
Ydych chi wedi bod allan i siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol eto?

Question Title

* 8. If you have been out shopping on your local high street, what was the reason?
Os ydych chi wedi bod allan i siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol, beth oedd y rheswm?

Question Title

* 9. When you’re out shopping at the moment, what do you rate as most important?
Pan fyddwch allan yn siopa ar y funud, beth ydych yn cyfrif yn fwyaf pwysig?

Question Title

* 10. If you haven’t been out shopping on your local high street yet, what’s stopping you?
Os nad ydych wedi bod allan yn siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol eto, beth sy'n eich rhwystro?

Question Title

* 11. If you have been out shopping on your local high street, did you feel safe?
Os ydych wedi bod allan yn siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol, oeddech chi'n teimlo'n ddiogel?

Question Title

* 12. Why don’t you feel safe shopping on your local high street?
Pam nad ydych yn teimlo'n ddiogel wrth siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol?

Question Title

* 13. Are you more inclined since the pandemic to support independent businesses?
Ydych chi'n fwy tueddol i gefnogi busnesau annibynnol ers y pandemig?

Question Title

* 14. Since the pandemic, are you now more or less likely to shop online ?
Ers y pandemig, ydych chi nawr yn fwy neu lai tebygol o siopa ar lein?

Question Title

* 15. Now that shops are reopening, are you prioritising shopping locally?
Nawr bod y siopau yn ail agor, ydych chi'n blaenoriaethu siopa'n lleol?

Question Title

* 16. How much do you agree with this statement: The future of my town centre depends on whether or not local people supports it.

Faint ydych chi'n cytuno gyda'r datganiad canlynol: Mae dyfodol canol fy nhre yn dibynnu ar p’un ai bydd y bobl leol yn ei gefnogi neu beidio.

Question Title

* 17. Which, if any, of the following best applies to you regarding your shopping habits as the pandemic subsides? Please select the option that most applies
Pa un, os o gwbl, o'r canlynol sydd fwyaf perthnasol i chi ynglŷn â'ch arferion siopa tra bod y pandemig yn cilio? Dewiswch yr opsiwn mwyaf perthnasol

Question Title

* 18. What do you love most about shopping on your local high street?
Beth yw'ch hoff beth am siopa ar eich stryd fawr leol?