Dear Gloucestershire VCS

We are seeking your views that will guide our work over the year ahead. It is very important to us that all VCS groups and organisations have the opportunity to tell us what they think, not only about the work we are doing, but also how we can work better to tackle the issues that concern you most.
Following last year’s consultations that drove the production of the VCSE Engagement Strategy and Action Plan we have been making progress on the identified tasks that include: the provision of monthly engagement surgeries available in each district; a mental health showcase event; significant progress in supporting volunteering and community transport and the development of events to better support public sector engagement.

So that we can continue to tailor our services to support the sector we have produced this short Engagement Survey, it will take around 10 – 15 minutes to complete.  It is vital to us that as many of our members as possible contribute and provide feedback to us, so please help us to improve how we can support you better by giving your views.

Once all feedback has been studied we will produce a short report highlighting the main points that arise, from which we will integrate as much as possible into the production of our forthcoming Business Strategy.

Mike Brain
Chief Executive Officer
Gloucestershire VCS Alliance

Question Title

* 1. Name of organisation and key charitable objectives

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* 2. What is the size of your organisation?

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* 3. Where does your turnover come from? Please give us an indicative percentage. 

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* 4. Are your financial reserves:

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* 5. Please state what level of confidence you have in the following:

  Very confident Quite confident Not confident  No confident at all
In your organisation's immediate future
In your organisation's longterm future
In continuing your organisation's current provision
In staff retention
In continued demand for your services
In the demand for your services increasing
In Brexit NOT impacting on your service or staff retention

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* 6. What areas do you currently operate in?

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* 7. Engagement with public sector.

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* 8. What is the biggest challenge to your organisation over the next 2 years and what impact might this have?

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* 9. In what way could the VCS Alliance better support your organisation and what impact might this have?