Complete the quiz and find out if you are volunteer ready!

Welcome to Groundwork London's Volunteer Management Health Check.

What is the Health Check?
This quiz is a tool for volunteer-involving organisations, to help you assess your volunteer management at the moment, and check if there is anything additional you can put in place.
It is completely free, and you can complete the quiz as many time as you like.
It is not a test - it is just a guide, designed to help you identify where you are achieving Best Practice, and where you could develop further.

How has it been developed?
This Health Check is based on the London Volunteer Management Charter, developed by Greater London Volunteering Network.The interactive quiz is designed to give you personalised feedback, based on your responses.

To get the most accurate results, tick every response that applies for every question. The quiz will then give you personalised feedback on your Volunteer Management processes.

More support
We have resources for every step of Volunteer Management available on our Resource Bank

Make sure to leave your contact details so that we can get in touch with more support.