Welcome to the Nimbus Ninety 2021 Digital Trends Survey.

This survey is one of the most important things we do at Nimbus Ninety. The insights tell us how we can best help you, and how your organisation compares with others in the execution of its digital strategy.

Please fill in your details below before completing the survey. This just tells us who you are and what categories we should put your organisation in when we compare trends. 

Everyone who completes this survey will receive a copy of our 2021 Digital Trends Report when it is released and a free pass to Chief Disruptor LIVE: Virtual Spring 2021.

This data is between you and us. No personal data is shared with third parties.

To read our full data privacy policy, click here.*To qualify for your free ticket, you must fully complete the survey and be C-level, C-1 or the driver of a live digital project in a B2C organisation, charity or within the public sector.