Condition of your school & classroom

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* 1. Overall, how would you rate the physical condition of the school building(s) you work in?

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* 3. Since you started working at your current school would you say the overall physical condition of the school building(s) you work in is:

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* 4. Thinking about your school buildings and the classrooms you work in do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

  Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Not applicable/don't know
Classrooms and teaching spaces are suitable for the subject(s) I teach
All areas of the school meet the needs of staff and pupils with physical, learning and neurological disabilities or conditions
The fixtures and fittings are in reasonable condition
There is no sign of any leaks, damp or mould around the school
There is a suitable and safe playground or outdoor space for pupils to use at break times
Lighting around and outside the school is adequate
The school is cleaned regularly
The flooring and pathways inside and outside the school are safe and do not present a hazard for falls/trips
There is adequate training and information provided to staff and pupils about what to do in the event of a fire
Temperatures in classrooms and teaching spaces are comfortable year round

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* 5. Overall, would you say the quality of the physical environment in which you work supports you to deliver the best learning to your pupils?

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* 6. Does your school contain asbestos?

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* 7. If you answered yes to the previous question, have you ever received any training or information in relation to the asbestos and how to protect yourself and pupils?

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* 8. Does your school have a lockdown procedure to be followed in the event of an emergency or intruder on site?

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* 9. If you answered yes to the previous question have you had:

  Yes No Don't know
Training on the lockdown procedure or what to do in the event of an intruder or emergency
The chance to practice the lockdown procedure

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* 10. Do you feel your school is equipped to support the safety of staff and pupils in the event of a lockdown situation or an emergency?

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* 11. Please give any further comments you wish about the physical condition of your school building(s) and classrooms