Funded by Crohn’s & Colitis UK, our team in Liverpool is working with the UK IBD Registry to develop data reports for IBD teams. Our aim is to produce site level information to support the local planning, delivery and quality assurance of your service.
We would like to get your views on some pilot data reports and ask for guidance on how to modify and develop them. This is an opportunity for you to influence the way the IBD Registry evolves its reporting functions. Your feedback will be analysed anonymously.
You will see examples of possible data outputs and be able to submit your comments or suggestions. As part of the survey, you will be able to request an IBD activity report for your trust derived from Hospital Episode Statistics data.*
Keith Bodger and Mustafa Shawihdi
In collaboration with the UK IBD Registry
*Applies to hospitals in England at this time, but the registry is seeking access to similar data for the devolved nations   

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This project is supported by a Health Services Development Award from:

<span style="font-size: 10pt; color: #000000;">This project is supported by a Health Services Development Award from:</span>