Tameside Poverty Strategy Consultation

33% of survey complete.
Poverty is when a person or community lacks the financial resources for a minimum standard of living. This could mean having difficulties in heating your home, paying your rent or mortgage, accessing utilities such as transport or the internet, or buying essentials like food and clothing.

Rising levels of poverty, driven by the increased cost of living, has emerged as a major national issue in recent years. In response to this, Tameside Council is currently drafting a new Poverty Strategy. This will lay out how the council plans to tackle poverty for residents both in and out of work by improving how we support them through a range of services.

At this early stage we want to make sure that the focus of our Poverty Strategy is right by asking residents to have their say. We want to know what you think about poverty and what you would like to see happen to address it in Tameside. We’re particularly interested in the views of residents who have either experienced poverty in their own lives, or know of somebody such as a family member, friend or neighbour who has experienced poverty.

We know that this can be a sensitive issue, therefore all responses will be kept in the strictest of confidence and subject to all relevant data protection laws.

A further survey will be launched later in the year to give people the opportunity to comment on the draft Poverty Strategy once it is published. All responses, along with feedback from other consultation and engagement activity, will then be used to shape the final Tameside Poverty Strategy and plans for delivery.

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1. Please tick the box that best describes your interest in this issue:

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2. Please let us know what you think about poverty in Tameside. This could be based on:

·         Your own experience of poverty.
·         Your experience of somebody you know who has faced poverty.
·         Your personal opinion of poverty.
·         Any combination of the above.

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3. Please let us know what you think could be done to take action against poverty in Tameside. We’re especially interested in your views on any new or existing services that might be helpful, including:

·         How you would like to access these services.
·         How you would to be treated by these services.
·         What level of support you believe these services should offer.