Homelessness - Private Rented Sector Offer (PRSO) Policy

33% of survey complete.
Tameside Council is consulting members of the public, key stakeholders and homelessness partners on the above draft policy, which aims to increase the range of suitable accommodation that can be used to discharge the main housing duty. 
This draft policy would provide Tameside Council with the additional option of discharging the main homelessness duty towards a household by the offer of a suitable Private Rented Sector accommodation, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011.
Currently, Tameside Council can only discharge its duty to those in temporary accommodation by offering them a tenancy with a registered social landlord. This limits the number of available properties and results in many households and individuals remaining in temporary accommodation for extended periods of time.
It is anticipated that the introduction of this additional policy will result in a greater choice of appropriate properties for those people in temporary accommodation, and better opportunities for the Council to place households and individuals in more appropriate accommodation within a shorter timeframe.
This consultation will run until 16 January 2023. Further information about the Private Rented Sector Offer policy can be found here.

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1. Do you support the introduction of Homelessness Private Rented Sector Offer (PRSO) Policy?

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2. Based on the above answer, please tell us the reason why.

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3. Please use this space for any other feedback, ideas, suggestions or comments.