Question Title

* 1. Please select the course name and grant you wish to apply for:

*If you are interested in a grant at Senior Coach (L4), Master Coach (L5), Coach Tutoring, Mentoring Support
(coach Level 4 - 5), please click here for further information as these grants are awarded by the LTA subject to course availability.

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* 2. Full Name

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* 3. Contact Email Address

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* 4. Contact Phone Number

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* 5. Home Postcode

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* 7. Name of associated Tennis Venue

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* 8. Please provide us with the name and role of your ‘workplace sponsor’.

*A workplace sponsor is defined as the person who will endorse your application, facilitate a venue for your qualification experience hours, and sign-post to possible deployment after you complete your qualification. This person can be your current manager, deployer, venue lead or your coach (if you are a player). They may be contacted ahead of any application being reviewed.

If you do not have a sponsor that meets the above description, please state this here.

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* 9. Please provide us with a short written statement of 250 words (or a 90 second recorded video statement) on why and how this grant will be valuable in supporting your coaching career aspirations.

If you choose the video option, please upload this online and provide the hyperlink.

Below are some prompts to help you with your statement.

1.       Provide further details of your coaching/tennis experience. 

2.       Provide further details of your coaching aspirations. 

3.       Detail what impact will the grant and the coaching course have on your coaching career?

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* 10. How would you best describe yourself? Tick all that apply.

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* 11. I agree to the following in return:

  • Become (or maintain status as) an LTA Accredited Coach at a registered venue within 12 months of completing the qualification (mandatory)
  • Give back to my community through running a ‘low or no cost’ Tennis Xpress (or equivalent) course in my local community within 12 months of completing the qualification (non-mandatory) and/or volunteer 10 hours to Middlesex Tennis

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* 12. I can confirm that I currently meet the following eligibility criteria.