The English National Opera’s FREE music making programme for schools nationwide; bringing a fusion of opera, film and animation into your classroom, as a creative springboard for collaborative composition work. 

Finish This…
invites students to step into the role of an ENO Composer and respond to, and resolve, a purposely unfinished operatic piece. Immersing themselves into the Composer role, they will embrace their imaginations and experiment to create their own bespoke response ending  – all through the lens of opera.

We offer 3 strand options you can sign-up to, tailored to the needs and curriculum of KS2, SEND and KS3 learners.
Please complete this short form to express your interest and keep up to date with schools booking information.
If you have any questions, or would like to book a 1-1 call please contact the team on

You can find out more about our 3 learner strands here:
Primary KS2
SEND Schools
Secondary KS3