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Your Menopause Wellbeing Quiz

Welcome to the Phoenix Wellness Coaching, Your Menopause Wellbeing Quiz. This is a free quiz designed to help you to understand where you are in your menopause journey. Whether you think you may be experiencing peri-menopause or think you could be post-menopausal, taking this quiz will provide you with an understanding of where you are on this continuum. The quiz focuses on the key symptoms and indicators of menopause and has been designed around three areas - Physical Health, Sexual Health and Mental Health. Completing this quiz is very simple and shouldn't take you more than 10-15 minutes.

Taking this quiz is totally free, however, you should note that the answers to this questionnaire remain completely confidential and will only be used by Phoenix Wellness Coaching Limited in providing services to you. You understand that we are experts in our field with vast experience but, understand that we are not medical professionals and our advice should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not disregard or postpone seeking such advice based upon anything you have seen on our website or within this quiz or that has arisen from our discussions with you. By ticking the box below you confirm that you are happy to proceed and understand that the onus is on you to seek such professional medical advice should you require it. Please tick the box below to show your understanding and agreement to this Medical Disclaimer

You should also be aware of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement contained at and that you adhere to these terms. Please tick the box below to show your understanding and agreement to these T&Cs and Privacy Statement.

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* 1. I confirm that I have read and understand the above Medical Disclaimer and will be bound by the terms therein

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* 2. I confirm that I have read and understand the Phoenix Wellness Coaching Ltd Terms and Conditions and Privacy Statement and will be bound by the terms therein

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* 3. Physical Health - below are some of the most common symptoms experienced through the menopause as they relate to our bodies and how they function. Please indicate which of the following you are experiencing, indicating the frequency of the symptom i.e., how many times it impacts your normal life.

  All the time Some of the time Varies / hard to say Not very often Not at all
Joint Pain
Weight gain
Bladder weakness or incontinence
Dry or itchy skin
Thinning hair, loss of hair condition
Changes in condition of teeth and/or gums, bad breath
Issues with balance and coordination
Breast changes or tenderness
Experiencing electric shocks
Excessive sweating, changes in smell of sweat
Loss of motivation to exercise, inability to exercise as hard as before
Hot flushes and/or night sweats
Disrupted or restless sleep
Lower energy levels
General tiredness
Waking up and inability to return to sleep
Longer to fall asleep
Experiencing bloating after eating
Increase in food intolerances
Increased incidence of acid reflux
Increase or newly experiencing IBS

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* 4. Physical Health - is there any other information you would like to share with us?

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* 5. Physical Health - for how long have you been experiencing these symptoms

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* 6. Sexual Health - below are some of the most common symptoms experienced through the menopause as they relate to our sexual wellbeing and relationships. Whilst there are fewer symptoms in this category, they can nevertheless create friction and tension in our relationships. Please indicate which of the following you are experiencing, indicating the frequency of the symptom i.e., how many times it impacts your normal life.

  All the time Some of the time Varies / hard to say Not very often Not at all
Loss of interest in sex / lower sex drive
Pain or discomfort during intercourse
Inability to reach orgasm, or longer to reach orgasm
Vaginal dryness
Vaginal atrophy (thinning of the skin of the vagina walls causing pain during intercourse)
Relationship issues with your partner
No longer feeling sexy or desirable
Sense of loss of womanhood i.e., no longer able to conceive
Irregular periods, bleeding for prolonged times

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* 7. Sexual Health - is there any other information you would like to share with us?

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* 8. Physical Health - for how long have you been experiencing these symptoms

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* 9. Mental Health - below are some of the most common symptoms experienced through the menopause as they relate to our mental wellbeing. Whilst there are fewer symptoms in this category, they can nevertheless create friction and tension in our relationships. Please indicate which of the following you are experiencing, indicating the frequency of the symptom i.e., how many times it impacts your normal life.

  All the tine Some of the time Varies / hard to say Not very often Not at all
Loss of confidence
Mood swings
Loss of purpose / meaning
Increased stress
Increased or newly experiencing anxiety
Increased or newely experiencing depression
Increased propensity to make mistakes
Lack of concentration
Difficulties with memory or increased forgetfulness
Newly experiencing panic attacks
Lower self-esteem
Reduced body confidence, no longer liking your body or how you look
Loss of motivation / get up and go
Increased use of / reliance on alocohol, caffeine, overeating, or smoking to combat stress/experiences

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* 10. Mental Health - is there any other information you would like to share with us?

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* 11. Physical Health - for how long have you been experiencing these symptoms

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* 12. Please provide us with your Name

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* 13. So that we can share your answers with you and provide you with more support please provide us with your email address

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* 14. So that we can talk to you further about your results and the next steps available to support your menopause journey please provide us with your mobile phone number

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* 15. Please provide us with your age

Thank you for completing the Phoenix Wellness Your Menopause Wellbeing Quiz. I hope that you found this a useful exercise and are now ready to take the next step on your journey. Please hit the submit button below to share your answers with Phoenix Wellness Coaching. 

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