Condition-specific Survey

What would you do to give people better support in North Somerset?

The Long Term Plan sets out what the NHS wants to do better, including providing better support for people with cancer, mental health conditions, heart and lung diseases, long-term conditions, such as diabetes and arthritis, learning disabilities, autism, and for people as they get older and experience conditions such as dementia.

Your local NHS needs to hear from you about how it can provide better care for people living with these conditions. Have your say and help make services better for your community.

Share your views and help make care better.

Healthwatch is gathering this information in order to understand people's experiences of using NHS services, and how people would like to continue using these services in the future.

The responses that you provide anonymously through this survey will be shared with local commissioners and providers in order to help shape and influence NHS services.

This information will also be shared with Healthwatch England and NHS England. They are collecting anonymous information from across the country to understand people's experiences of using NHS services and what is required to keep people healthy and well for future.

To find out more about the national NHS work go to:

To read our Privacy Statement go to:

If you would like to speak to Healthwatch North Somerset please call us on 01275 851 400 or email

8% of survey complete.