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Surrey Lieutenancy Questionnaire for the Charity Sector

The Surrey Lieutenancy would like to gain a better understanding of your charity and the kind of support you would like to receive. Your answers to the following questions will help with this:

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* 1. Prior to receiving this questionnaire, were you familiar with the Surrey Lieutenancy?

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* 2. Would you be interested in receiving support from the Surrey Lieutenancy?

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* 3. What type of support would you be interested in? (Tick all that apply)

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* 4. If you could select just one area of support to receive from the Surrey Lieutenancy, what would that be? (This could be one area from the previous list or a new suggestion of your own)

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* 5. How many paid staff do you have (if any)? (Full-time Equivalent)

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* 6. How many volunteers do you have? (including trustees)

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* 7. What was your annual turnover last financial year?

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* 8. Do you own any major assets (eg. Building)?

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* 9. What are your charity’s main concerns for the future? (tick as many as apply):

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* 10. If you could pick one from the list on the previous question, which one would that be?

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* 11. How many service users have you had contact with in the last month? (approx.)

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* 12. How many of the contacts from Question 10 were with service users who had Covid-related enquiries?

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* 13. What other charities do you often signpost your service users on to? Please list.

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* 14. The Surrey Lieutenancy would like to follow up with you about what you have written in this questionnaire. Please let us know the following information so we can follow up (or leave blank if you would prefer to remain anonymous):

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