Shaw Trust Group is bidding as a lead partner for the Non-Clinical Health Coaching and Voluntary Sector Co-ordination Social Prescription in Primary Care for People with Long Term Conditions and Carers across Dorset.

This service will bring together key elements of a person-centred approach for a specific cohort of patients, offering self-management to support individuals living with one or more long-term condition/s and their carers and people with moderate or recurring health needs (30% of the registered population).

The service will provide;
 non-clinical health coaching
 voluntary sector navigation social prescription
 digital self-management platform/app

If you would like to work with Shaw Trust Group on this opportunity please complete this short expression of Interest by 12 pm on Friday 31st of August 2018.

If you have any questions about this opportunity or about Shaw Trust please contact us at

The following paragraphs provide more detail on the service and the opportunity.


1. One to One Non-Clinical Health Coaching to support and help the individual to develop the confidence, knowledge and skills to manage their condition, its emotional impact and practical day to day impact, tackling symptoms such as immobility, breathlessness, anxiety or daily pain. The role of the coach is purely to support the individual to make a difference to their health. They are non-clinical, specifically trained coaches who focus on the non-clinical aspects of managing LTC’s (alongside and integrated with the MDT) as required, that may be stopping Individuals from living their life in the way they would like to.

2. Self-Management Groups are run by Non-Clinical Health Coaches and typically provide a six-week structured course of support, the course covers specific self-management skills and provides an opportunity for ongoing peer support.

1. Active Sign-Posting (low level need) i.e. ‘information for all’, activities and universal services to support individuals with non-medical needs through;

2. Telephone and written information and advice, sign-posting and support to people to navigate non-medical Voluntary Community Services (VCS) and statutory support.

3. Telephone and email information and advice and sign-posting for health and social care professionals to enable them to navigate non-medical VCS and statutory support for their patients’ / clients.

4. Supported Navigation (moderate/high level needs) i.e. when active sign-posting (as above) is not sufficient to meet the more complex needs of individuals who may require more support or time than provided through active signposting to help them access information, activities and services to meet their non-medical needs.
The digital offer for health and care and voluntary sector professionals within SystmOne/Emis will enable data collection and analysis of the following;
  • referral to the service
  • recording of PCSP
  • collection of service level data
  • collection of patient level data  collection of service outcomes
  • collection of patient reported outcomes and stories
Together, this will inform future service design and evaluation. The digital offer for service users will consist of a Self-Management digital platform or app to;
  • provide hints, tips and education on self-management
  • identify the individualised support required for self-management including circles of support (family members, friends, acquaintances, healthcare professionals, local groups, even pets) and identifying what is important.
  • provide a local directory of non-clinical support and voluntary sector services offering a variety of locally mapped services which are up-to-date and offer choice and are accessible to specific needs of the person (disability/mental impairment)
  • be accessible via the Citizens’ Portal of the Dorset Care Record (DCR),