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Thank you for taking the time to complete this short five minute survey aimed at investment funds and trusts; investors; and the individuals who advise them.

I am Sandra Anani, Founder and Director of Sustainability to Action (STA). I am conducting this survey as part of my dissertation research for a Masters of Laws (LLM) in Corporate Governance Grad CG. The survey seeks to identify how financial institutions can help to safeguard the future of our planet, whilst providing financial securities for investors and the wider community (i.e. a sustainable economy). I am especially interested in trying to understand the role of the board and how corporate governance impacts performance.

This survey will help provide quantitative and qualitative data that I will compile and publish as part of my dissertation research. I hope that with your help I can identity gaps in the field and provide meaningful recommendations for best practices via the outcomes of my research.

This is an anonymous survey – I only require the name of the organisation you work for and I will not take any personal contact details or contact you unless you opt to receive updates on the outcomes of this particular piece of research. If you would like to be informed about the results and outcomes of this survey, please provide you email address when prompted at the end of the survey.

If you would like to provide further relevant information beyond the scope of this survey, please email me at

Thank you very much for your time and thoughts.

If you would like to receive updates on the outcome of my research, please send an email entitled "Opt-in for updates" to joni@sustainabilitytoaction.

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* 1. What organisation do you work for? And what is your role (optional)?

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* 2. In your opinion, who do you think drives the vision of your board (please tick all that you think apply and list your top answer in the box)?

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* 3. What inputs and external influences impact the vision of the board (please tick all that apply)?

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* 4. How are decisions made within your board (for example, by consensus, voting etc.)?

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* 5. Does your company publish annual financial reports?

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* 6. Do you think that your organisation effectively communicates and mitigates the risk of climate change to your business, both internally and externally?

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* 7. What are the top three challenges you are facing in implementing and recommending ESG focused investments?

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* 8. What support do you think is required in addressing the above challenges?

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* 9. In your opinion, is ESG engagement having an impact on mitigating climate change risk?

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* 10. What estimated percentage of your customers are seeking sustainable/ ESG investments?

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