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We are collecting examples of practice from around the UK about what does or doesn't work well in your area to ensure people have access to food when they are discharged from hospital. We'd like to hear from people who have been in hospital, families, practitioners and policy makers. This information will help us to create a good practice resource, offer advice and support to services and make a stronger case to decision-makers to address this important issue.

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* 1. Which of these options best describes you?

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* 2. Would you be happy to be contacted to discuss your survey response?

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* 3. If yes, please provide your name and preferred contact details

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* 4. In your experience what works well to ensure people have access to food when they are discharged from hospital? And what helps it to work well?

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* 5. In your experience what doesn't work well to ensure people have access to food when they are discharged from hospital? And what prevents it working well?

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* 6. What action could be taken to improve people's access to food when they are discharged from hospital?

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* 7. Is there anything else you would like to feed into the project?

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