About this survey

The National Maternity Review, Better Births, recommended that woman have a named midwife who can provide continuity of care throughout pregnancy, birth and postnatal periods. The 44 local maternity systems (LMS) across England are tasked with implementation of the Better Births recommendations. Our local LMS is made up of NHS organisations, Healthwatch and local councils, who are working together as a Local Maternity System (LMS) to design and implement improvements in maternity and neonatal services.

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin have established a Local Maternity System (LMS) to ensure service transformation happens at a local level. This Plan describes how the LMS will transform local maternity services by 2020/21. We have developed this LMS plan in partnership with local organisations to ensure the vision we propose is realistic.

Our local vision is that:-

More Women and their families will:

·         Be healthier during their pregnancy and will have a better understanding of how to keep themselves and their baby healthy
·         Have better information about pregnancy and parenthood that is personal to their circumstances
·         Have support with their emotional wellbeing throughout their pregnancy and after their baby is born
·         Have more choice in the care they receive and will feel involved in decisions about their care

·         Be able to access a wider range of services closer to home
·         Know the midwife caring for them throughout pregnancy, birth and after the baby is born
·         Give birth in a midwifery led setting
·         Be involved in how services are designed and delivered

Staff will…

·         Feel proud of the services they deliver
·         Work within a learning culture and receive regular training alongside those they work with
·         Be well supported by service leaders
·         Act as advocates for the women they care for and feel empowered to deliver great service

Services will be…

·         Safer
·         Designed and delivered in partnership with women and their families
·         Working better together through community hubs
·         Constantly learning and improving
·         Sharing more information with each other

We will use your answers to help us to improve maternity services.
Please complete this online survey by the 09th September 2018. If you would prefer to complete a paper version please contact louise.macleod5@nhs.net or helen.white12@nhs.net.

Please return the paper version to

NHS Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group
Halesfield 6

We will publish the results of this survey and updates on what we are doing to improve maternity services on SATH/CCG websites and through the Maternity Voices Partnership group.