How wildlife friendly is your allotment?

There are lots of actions you can take to manage your allotment plot in a way which minimises harmful environmental impacts and creates an inviting space for wildlife. Although allotments are primarily used for growing food, by incorporated wildlife friendly plants and features you can create a mini-ecosystem that’s good for you and good for wildlife.
In order to gain a plaque, you need to demonstrate you are making an effort to welcome wildlife in different ways and practicing environmentally friendly actions. You will need to be doing at least 4 of the actions in section 1, and at least 2 actions from sections 2-5 to achieve a plaque.
Please check all the boxes that apply.  

Please note that plaques are only available to Somerset addresses (excluding Bristol and BANES). 

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* 2. Section 2: FOOD
This section is about how much food your allotment provides for wildlife throughout the year.

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* 3. Section 3: SHELTER
This section is about whether your allotment provides safe places for wildlife to live, hide and hibernate.

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* 4. Section 4: WATER
Does your allotment help to preserve water resources and provide water for wildlife to drink and as a habitat?

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* 5. Section 5 - CONNECTIONS and CORRIDORS
This section is about how joined up your allotment is within the wider landscape, helping wildlife to move and thrive.

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* 6. YOUR DETAILS - please provide your FULL address to receive your Allotment plaque.

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* 7. Please tick the boxes that confirm how you would like to hear from us.

We promise to never sell your details to other organisations. Please note, if you do not tick any of the boxes we may not be able to share with you details of our work that may be of interest.  You can change your communication preferences at any time’ by emailing us at or by calling us on 01823 652429.  To find out how we use and protect your personal data and your rights, please see our Privacy Policy.

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* 8. Please use this comment box to tell us about anything you are particularly proud of or interesting wildlife sightings in your allotment:

We may use your anonymised comments to inspire others on our website, social media or e-news.