Welcome to the ACT Now introductory survey!

This survey should take about 5 minutes and will help us understand your priorities and needs.

There is no obligation on you to provide this data but if you do it would be of enormous use in helping us understand how to motivate and enable people to take action on climate change, as well as helping us monitor how inclusive we are managing to be. It is also an opportunity for you to help shape the ACT Now programme, and help us to understand what is needed and necessary.

We will use this learning to refine the current and any future ACT Now programme, help other communities take action, and to influence local and government policy. It will help us magnify the effect or your individual efforts to reduce CO2 emissions.

The information you provide will be kept confidential and treated in accordance with our policy on data protection. But if you would like the information given to be strictly anonymous you are welcome to leave it anonymous.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. To which age group do you belong?

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* 3. What age house do you live in?

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* 4. What type of dwelling is it?

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* 5. Type of tenure

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* 6. Why have you signed up to the ACT Now programme?

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* 7. How much have the following had an impact on active reduction of your carbon emissions and energy use to date?

  Not at all Partly A lot
Lack of time
Feeling overwhelmed
Scepticism (that it will make a difference)
Lack of clear information and guidance
Conflicitng information
Other more pressing priorities
Lack of practical or technical support
Lack of access to trusted traders/installers
Lack of support from family
Scepticism from friends/neighbours
Lack of affordable and sustainable infrastructures (eg expensive flights vs cheap trains)
Lack of affordable and sustainable products offered by businesses  

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* 8. What do you think will be the most important thing the ACT Now programme can do to help you overcome obstacles and challenges?

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* 9. Here we are trying to understand which parts of the programme sound attractive and useful, and which parts seem irrelevant to you as an individual.  Which part(s) of the programme are you particularly looking forward to and think will be particularly useful?

  1 Not interested at all / don't think will be especially useful 2 3 4 5 Think this will be really interesting & useful
Doing my carbon footprint
The workshops with experts
The home visit from the energy assesor
The £100 grant
Participating in the Meter study
Linking in to recommended/trusted suppliers
Spring 2020 goal setting
Meeting and working with neighbours

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* 10. Is there anything you'd like to see included in the programme which has not been mentioned?