Face-to-Face Engagement Session Booking Form

12% of survey complete.
Access to SCR is essential for the development of effective clinical services in community pharmacy and makes a real difference to the quality of care provided.

To implement SCR in your pharmacy you will need to attend a face-to-face engagement session. There are several sessions taking place in your area.

These sessions are designed to:

  • consolidate and reinforce the key elements of your SCR Community Pharmacy Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE) online training
  • explore the benefits of accessing the SCR for citizens, patients and the wider pharmacy team
  • help you understand the role of the Privacy Officer and SCR Information Governance

It will also provide you with the information to complete all the steps needed to view the SCR and how to receive your one off implementation payment of £200.
A maximum of two members of staff per pharmacy are able to attend the session. 

Each pharmacy needs one front end user and one Privacy Officer. For more information on who can fulfil the Privacy Officer Role please follow the link: http://systems.digital.nhs.uk/scr/pharmacy/privacy-officer
Before booking onto this session you must complete the CPPE online training module and email a copy of the certificate to

Further information relating to SCR in Community Pharmacy can be found here http://systems.digital.nhs.uk/scr/pharmacy


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