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* 1. What is your name?

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* 2. What is your registration class?

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* 3. Please read the following statements about your experience as a pupil and then select your response.

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Don't Know
The school is helping me to become more confident.
I look forward to coming to school.
I am supported and challenged in my learning.
Teachers share learning intentions and success criteria in lessons.
Staff talk to me regularly about how to improve my learning.
I have regular opportunities to comment on my own work and the work of others.
I have opportunities to develop my skills for work
I have a say in making my learning experiences better.
In my learning I have opportunities to make choices and follow my own interests.
I have opportunities to plan my own learning.
Staff and pupils treat me fairly and with respect.
I have the opportunity to learn about and develop in faith in school.
All pupils get help and support when they need it.
I have opportunities to celebrate my personal achievements.
Staff expect me to take responsibility for my own work in class.
I feel safe and cared for in school.
I have adults in school I can speak to if I am upset or worried about something.
Staff make sure that pupils behave well.
Staff are good at dealing with bullying behaviour.
The Learner Council has a say in making the school better.
The views of pupils are fairly represented
I have opportunities to take part in school committees / groups.
The school encourages me to make healthy food choices.
I take part in out-of-class activities and school clubs.
I know what out-of-school activities and youth groups are available in my local area.

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* 4. Please use the space below to give us more information on any of the answers you have given.