Survey on learning and training needs

The survey
This online survey is part of the European Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) contract on User Learning Services which aims to understand the training needs and requirements of users in Europe with regard to climate information.
The results from this survey will support the development of the C3S and help inform future training events and online learning in order to enable and increase the use of climate data and capacity building across Europe.
For more information on this C3S contract, future training events and online learning please see: 

Participation and data protection
The participation is voluntary and you are free to stop taking part at any time without giving any reason.
Your responses to our questions will be anonymised, and all reasonable steps will be taken to ensure that you are not identifiable in any reports or outputs resulting from this research.  We will not share the data collected in this survey outside C3S without asking for your permission to do so first. The only exception to this would be if we were legally compelled to do so.
By taking part in this survey you agree for the data collected to be used in our research and outputs. If you change your mind about participating within two weeks of taking part please inform Dr Marta Bruno Soares ( and your data will be removed from the study.

Completing the survey
The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please work through the survey in one session as there will not be an opportunity to return to the survey at a later date.
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey!
10% of survey complete.