Exploring Resilience and Wellbeing in Initial Teacher Education

Dear Colleagues

This questionnaire is trying to find out more about how this topic of ‘Resilience and Wellbeing’ is covered in ITE in England and Wales presently. The questions therefore invite you to tell us about any programme components that relate to this topic and the beginning student teacher experience.  We are curious how much time you give this topic and how you have also supported staff to support your students in this area.  What has been the impact for your institution of the inclusion/or not of this topic in your ITE programme? What have been the challenges for your teams?  What policy decisions have driven the direction of travel your institution has taken? 
In the questions and sections that follow, if you do not wish to respond please just type 'X' in the comment box and move to the next question. 
If on the other-hand, you would be willing to share your documentation for this topic with us, rather than answer some of the questions in detail,  please forward to: research@apte.org.uk  Your documentation will be anonymised as per BERA guidelines 2017.  Your institution will not be identified other than with a descriptive term eg: University, SCITT, Private provider, Teaching school.
If you would be willing to participate in a follow-up telephone interview please complete contact details at the end of the survey. In adherence with the BERA Ethical Guidelines, all such responses will be anonymised and pseudonyms used where necessary. This support will mean you will automatically receive a copy of the summary findings.

Thanking you in anticipation for your prompt completion of this survey. This will help us complete the data collection /analysis as soon as possible before the summer. Now, by continuing, you are giving consent for your comments to be used for research purposes by APTE and the researcher. Thank you.

Dr d'Reen Struthers (Researcher)
APTE National Chair (www.apte.org.uk)

Data protection registration number: Z6364106/2018/04/59 social research