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Thinking now about a time where you have started a conversation with patients or families about treatment decisions, particularly advance decisions or at end of life

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* 4. How comfortable did you feel starting the conversation?

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* 5. How confident do you feel generally in having discussions about these types of decisions?

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* 6. What barriers stop you from talking to patients about their future outlook?

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* 7. I am able to find the relevant information to make immediate decisions in an emergency situation. 

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* 8. Information to make decisions in an emergency situation is useful, accessible and up-to-date

Please answer the following questions so we can assess baseline knowledge in our region: 

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* 9. How many people aged over-80 survive CPR?

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* 10. How many people with advanced cancer survive CPR?

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* 11. DNACPR forms are legally binding

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* 12. Families and patients can demand CPR even if it will be futile

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* 13. People, patients and healthcare professionals do not want to talk about death

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* 14. Every patient who is dying should be made aware

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* 15. Patients don’t want to die in hospital

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* 16. Please tick any of the following that apply to you:

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* 17. What further support and training would you need in your role to have conversations with patients about realistic future treatment options?

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* 18. Please let us know if you have any other comments or queries about the ReSPECT process. If there are any risks or issues you foresee please let us know along with any suggested solutions. 

Thank you for your input!
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