
Thank you so much for your interest in taking part in this survey, which should take around 15 minutes to complete and is intended for individuals with Parkinson's and their spouses/partners/care partners. 

If you are a spouse/partner/care partner, please complete this survey about the person you live with who has Parkinson's.  If you cannot answer a question, please leave it out.

Every person experiences Parkinson's differently. Understanding when and how Parkinson's begins is important. 

Please note that The Cure Parkinson's Trust and Parkinson's Movement will not share your personal information with any third party, however anonymised results will be shared at Rallying to the Challenge in September and subsequently may be published in a written report. By completing the survey you are agreeing to The Cure Parkinson's Trust's Terms & Conditions  and Privacy Policy

Please click next to complete the survey.
11% of survey complete.