These placements are only for students 17 and above and those who have a genuine interest in the field and have applied to University for the Radiology degree.

Please note that completion of this form does not guarantee or confirm your placement as your application will need to be reviewed to ensure safety and suitability of the placement.

Once we have your form if approved you will be sent an additional form to complete. Please note that if you do not hear back within 14 days this will have meant that your application has been rejected. Due to the volume of applications we are unable to give feedback.

GDPR Notice
Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital NHS will use the information you provide on this form to be in touch with you regarding your application if you are successful in being offered a place. If you are unsuccessful, your data will be deleted within one month and will not be shared with anybody else.

If you are successful, your data will also be stored in our encrypted work experience database for a period of 12 months. The data will be kept to support and plan your placement and for monitoring purposes. The data will not be shared with other individuals or organisations.