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The Association of Directors of Social Services (ADSS) Cymru is the voice of the professional and strategic leadership of social care services in Wales. We represent the collective view of all twenty-two local authorities social services departments across Wales and work to inform and influence how social care services are delivered and improved. 

We know that the pandemic has affected and changed the lives of many people, including those who receive care and support. As we look to recover from this experience, Welsh Government have asked us to gather information from people using social care services about how the pandemic has affected the delivery of the following:

·         Day services

·         Respite services, including short breaks and home community-based breaks.

As a user of these services, we would like you to give you the opportunity to complete an anonymous survey by clicking on this link. Your feedback will help us to understand if you were satisfied with the alternatives that were offered and how your life was affected. You can choose not to answer every question.

This survey will help us to gather views from people who live in all parts of Wales about their experiences and the information will assist Welsh Government in understanding how services might change in the future. We are very grateful to you for taking the time to contribute to such an important piece of work.

If you are an unpaid carer, and would like to complete this survey on behalf of the person you care for, please proceed to question 1. 

The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.
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