This is a survey for 14 - 24 year old Gypsies, Roma and Travellers (GRT) in the UK.

We are looking into what GRT young people want to do in their careers/for a job. Right now, compared to every other group GRT young people are least likely to be in school, employment or training . We want to know your opinion about why you think this is the case.
We have a list of questions below we would like you to answer. We might share some of your answers in a research report but this won't have your name or any personal details with it so no one will know you wrote it. 

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* 1. What is your ethnicity?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Where do you live in the UK?

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* 4. What are you currently doing? (you can tick more than one box)

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* 5. If you are not in school anymore, when did you finish/leave?

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* 6. In your opinion, is doing well in school easier, harder or the same for Gypsies, Roma and Travellers than it is for other people?

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* 7. What do you think would need to change, if anything, for more Gypsies, Roma and Travellers to get their qualifications at school? (For example: less discrimination, more support from teachers, more support from family & friends)

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* 8. Have you taken part in any training or courses after you finished school?  (For example: apprenticeships, maths/English, beauty, plumbing, uni prep courses, CSCS card etc.)

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* 9. If you have done any training or courses, was it useful and how?

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* 10. In your opinion, what kind of courses would be useful for GRT people after leaving school if they want to earn money in the future?

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* 11. If you were interested in signing up for some training now, would you know where to go?

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* 12. How would you prefer to earn money? (You can tick more than one box)

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* 13. Have you had a paid job?

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* 14. In your experience, what do other GRT people say if someone gets a job outside family businesses?

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* 15. Do you think it’s easy for GRT people to get jobs (outside family business)?

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* 16. What would make it easier for young GRT to get and take on paid work (outside family business)?

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* 17. If you would like to be interviewed by one of our peer researchers, please leave your contact details below.