Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

The purpose of this survey is to gauge the views of our visitors, to find out why you use these woods, what you like most about it, how we could improve it and what would make for a better experience for you.   

It shouldn't take longer than five minutes and all the information you provide us with will be held in the strictest confidence, and not used for any other purpose.

Question Title

* 1. What is your postcode? This will help us understand how far people have come to visit us.

Question Title

* 2. How long have you been visiting Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 3. What are your primary reasons for visiting Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 4. How often do you visit Pretty Corner Woods, and who with?

  Alone (inc. with pets) With family members With friends 
More than once a day
Daily (at least once a day)
Often (at least twice a week/ 8 times a month)
Weekly (at least once a week / 4 times a month)
Fortnightly (at least once every 2 weeks / 2 times a month)
Monthly (at least once a month/12 times a year)
Annually (at least once a year)
Less than once a year/ I have only been once

Question Title

* 5. What time(s) of year do you visit Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 6. How do you normally travel to Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 7. How did you first find out about Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 8. How long does it take you to get to Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 9. On average, how often do you usually spend at Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 10. How important are the following woodland site qualities to you?

  Extremely important Somewhat important Neither important or unimportant  Somewhat unimportant Extremely unimportant 
Car parking facilities
Ease of access on site (good paths, flat surfaces etc.) 
Access to facilities (toilets/café) 
Ease of orientation (marked routes, site maps etc.)
Regular events
Volunteering/Community engagement opportunities
Tranquillity/Peace & quiet/Wellbeing
Opportunities for education and learning
Opportunities for play
History of the site
Interpretation/Information provision
Welcoming and safe environment

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the following site qualities at Pretty Corner Woods

  Very good Good Fair Poor Very poor Unsure/Don't know
Ease of access on sites (good paths, flat surfaces etc.)
Car parking facilities
Ease of orientation - marked routes, site maps etc.)
On site facilities
Volunteering/Community engagement opportunities
Tranquillity/Peace & quiet/Wellbeing
Opportunities for education and learning
Opportunities for play
Interpretation/Information provision
Welcoming and safe
The site as a whole

Question Title

* 12. Which of the following would you like to see improved/added to at Pretty Corner Woods?

Question Title

* 13. What is your age and identified gender?

  > 25 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75+
Non binary/Other
Prefer not to say

Question Title

* 14. If you have any additional comments concerning Pretty Corner Woods, please add there below

Thank you for your time and we hope you enjoy your visit!

Further Information:

Tel: Office – 01263 516001 / Ranger Office – 01263 712610
Facebook: /HoltCountryPark
Twitter: @CountryHolt

*North Norfolk District Council will collect and record your data in accordance with the Council’s most up-to-date data protection policy, which can be viewed at the following address Home | Data Protection Policy (