Exhibition feedback for The Participation Party

1.What most caught your attention in the exhibition about these children’s views and preferences? Please tell us about a particular part of the exhibition.
2.Is this exhibition an effective way to engage with local community views and preferences? Please select one response where 1 is low and 5 is high effectiveness.
3.What needs of the youngest children in the local population have you learned about?
4.As well as the human needs what other needs in the environment have you considered because of the project? E.g., those of trees, birds, insects etc.
5.Do you think the children's needs you have found out about should be prioritised? Please say YES or NO If yes, please explain why? E.g., YES because …
6.What evidence would show other (non- human) environment needs were being met?
7.How much do you value being asked your views in these questions? Please select one response where 1 is low and 5 is high value
8.How much do you value the attention the project brings to the children’s views and preferences? Please select one response where 1 is low and 5 is high value