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* 1. How has Covid-19 impacted your organisation’s international assignments?

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* 2. What package elements / terms & conditions that are currently available to your expatriates are in your view especially relevant during the pandemic as part of your organisation’s global mobility programme?

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* 3. What key benefit which is not currently offered by your organisation’s mobility programme would improve international assignments for expatriates during Covid-19? Please consider any of the benefits listed at question 2, or any other relevant benefits not specified by us.

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* 4. What changes do you anticipate in your organisation’s assignment patterns over the next 2 years?

  Increase Decrease No change n/a
Duration of assignments
Number of senior management moves
Number of key/strategic assignments
Number of female assignees
Number of younger assignees
Number of older/experienced assignees
Number of assignments to specific locations (e.g. more remote, or specific continent)
Number of employee self-initiated moves
Use of contractors for assignments
Diversification of assignment types

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* 5. Do you consider gender diversity has evolved in your organisation’s global mobility programme in the last 5 years?

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* 6. What have been the main challenges to international assignments in your organisation generally?

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* 7. What have been the main challenges to international assignments in your organisation experienced as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic?

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* 8. What are the biggest obstacles to expatriate mobility generally in your organisation?

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* 9. Do you consider that Covid-19 will have a broader impact on where expatriates choose to live and/or work? 

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* 10. Do you consider that advances in technology are going to reduce the need for global assignments in future in your organisation?

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* 11. What has been the impact of Covid-19 on international (short term) business visitors?

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* 12. How confident are you that any employees who may have relocated to work overseas during the Covid-19 period haven’t triggered an employer obligation to arise, such as in a host country payroll withholding requirement, or an overseas employer social security charge?