The RCoA intend to launch the Global Fellowship Scheme (Anaesthesia) to run in parallel to its existing Medical Training Initiative (MTI) scheme.  This will allow the College to provide support for doctors from High Income Countries (HICs) (according to World Bank definitions) who wish to come to the UK for a short period of higher and advanced training in sub-specialty anaesthesia training.  

In order to develop this scheme, we are undertaking an Equality Impact Assessment in order to ensure that our proposal does not have any unintended negative impact on particular groups.  The Public Sector Equality Duty contained in section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, requires public authorities to have due regard to several equality considerations when exercising their functions. This includes being able to justify actions and decisions taken by the College in the event of a legal challenge. In order to be able to demonstrate due regard for the legislation the College undertakes and records Equality Impact Assessments (EIA).

The EIA highlights any area of potential risk and maximises the benefits of proposals in terms of equality and inclusion. It therefore helps us to ensure we have considered everyone who might be affected by the proposal and identify and address any potential discriminatory effects before introducing something new or changing the way we work. It also helps us to reduce the risk of potential legal challenges. 

We would be grateful if you could read the supporting documentation around the proposal and complete this survey.  The survey should not take more than 15 minutes to complete.

If you have any queries, or want to make any further comments about the proposal, please contact us via

Many thanks.