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Question Title

* 1. Full Name

Question Title

* 3. Gender

Question Title

* 4. Address

Question Title

* 5. T shirt size

Question Title

* 6. Track suit size

Question Title

* 7. Do you give The Change Foundation Photo consent?


The Project Managers and Development Coaches who run your programme work for a UK charity called The Change Foundation. For the past 36 years, the charity has run successful programmes using sport and dance to make a positive impact on the lives of young people.

So that we can do our work and keep you safe, we collect, process and store some information about you. The legal basis for doing this is known as our ‘legitimate business interest’. The reason it’s referred to in this way is that the charity cannot carry out its work safely and effectively without this information. We collect personal information about you for four main reasons:

Firstly, we need to keep a record of the young people attending the sessions so we can manage the sessions safely and plan and run associated activities.

Secondly, we need to measure and monitor how well we run the sessions and how you might be developing as a result of attending.

Thirdly, we have to demonstrate to the organisations who fund our work that sessions have taken place and that they have been run safely and effectively.

Fourthly, we may very occasionally use information about you for publicity purposes promoting our work and raising funds for future work.

When you join a programme we ask you to complete a registration form which also asks you if we can take your photograph and film you taking part in our programmes for marketing purposes. We will only do this with your agreement.

The legal basis for collecting this limited information is in order to get your consent. If you don't want us to use a photograph or video we won't. We ask for your consent for this using our standard registration form. If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time you should let the Coach Mentor running the session know and you may also write or email to the contact details given at the end of this document.

We collect the following information about young people on our programmes using standard forms we ask you to complete and occasionally we may ask your school for the information (schools based programmes only). We may not collect all this information for all our programmes.


Name * Date of birth* Address Telephone number Email address Ethnic origin* Disability* Health issues Gender* Photograph or video (only with consent) Contact details for your next of kin


We store the personal information listed above and marked by a star by transferring it from the standard form you complete and entering it on to a storage system we use called Views. This is a specialist secure database which holds the information in the U.K. On some programmes your Coach Mentor may keep some information about you carefully on their mobile phones and laptops such as your mobile number and email address so they can contact you about sessions.

For programmes which pay young people an allowance for attending such as Street Elite and Generation Storm we also collect your National Insurance number, bank details and tax status. The legal basis for collecting this data is called our ‘legal obligation’ and we do it as we are legally required to collect this information and report it to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) for taxation purposes. We retain this tax and payment information as required by the tax authorities for 7 years. We also pass some or all of this information on to our payroll processor and our bank so that they can process any payments due to you.

We are very careful about who we pass your details on to. We share limited information with those organisations who fund our programmes so we can demonstrate that programmes have taken place and young people have developed through those programmes. We may share information with statutory authorities such as social services if we have child protection concerns about you.

On programmes such as Street Elite which Have a work placement element, we may pass limited information to employers or other organisations providing services to the sessions. Our auditors may occasionally ask to look at

Information as part of their work.

We may need to share information with other organisations to book activities, travel, enter tournaments and make arrangements related to your attendance at the sessions.


We keep the limited data we input on to Views (starred above) indefinitely in case we have to check this data in relation to sexual abuse accusations as these may arise many years after the abuse occurs and payroll data is kept for 7 years as required by the Inland Revenue and then destroyed. Other data is destroyed 6 months after the programme is completed.


You may at any time request to see the information that we hold on you. To do this either email us at or write to us at The Change Foundation, Plough Lane, Wallington, Surrey SM6 8JQ.

The charity’s Data Protection Officer is Carol Driver.


Our phone number is 0208 669 2177 and our registered charity number is 1046047.
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