Introduction to the survey

In May 2017 the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Sector. The MoU contains a set of principles to enable the VCSE sector to play an important role in Health and Social Care devolution in Greater Manchester (GM). Some of these principles are aimed at encouraging public sector commissioners to increase the level of funding into the VCSE sector across GM.
GMCVO conducted this survey in 2018 to obtain a quick snapshot of the level of public sector funding into the VCSE sector across GM, the responses received were subsequently used  to inform our discussions with colleagues within the GM Health and Social Care Partnership about the impact of the MoU on funding into the VCSE sector.

We are now repeating this survey for the 2018/2020 period in order to  to establish whether there have been any changes to the funding of GM VCSE organisations as a result of the ongoing impact of the MoU. 

We would therefore be grateful if you could take 5 minutes to complete this short survey by Friday 20th March 2020.