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This survey has been created to conduct market research on adults unisex fashion, and will be used to help my major project for my final year of university.
Please answer the questions openly and honestly as all responses are appreciated and your answers will be anonymous.

This should only take approx. 5 minutes to complete,

Thank you in advance for your time and participation.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you usually shop for your clothing?
Select as many that apply to you.

Question Title

* 2. With reference to the shops you have stated in Question 1, can you tell me why you choose to shop there for your clothing?

Question Title

* 3. On average, how often do you buy new clothes?

Question Title

* 4. For the next question you will see a selection of images below, labelled A to I.

Which of these styles shown are you likely to wear?
Please answer by clicking on your chosen image(s). Select as many that apply.

Please note, that there is also an option to answer 'none' if you are not likely to wear any of the below styles.

Question Title

* 5. Can you tell me why you selected the above image(s)?  

For ease, an overview sheet of all images is included just after this question, or it can be seen if you scroll down a little. You can then scroll back up to answer the question.

-this part is optional however, providing this information would be very helpful (and much appreciated) if you can-

Question Title

Reference image for Question 5

Reference image for Question 5

Question Title

* 6. From the images you have just seen:
Were there any that you perhaps liked, but wouldn't wear?   If so, why is this?
(you may skip if this doesn't apply to you)

Question Title

* 7. When shopping for your own clothing, which department do you buy from?

A definition of unisex is:

(especially of clothing or hairstyles) designed to be suitable for both sexes.
a style in which men and women look and dress in a similar way.

Question Title

* 8. What are your thoughts about unisex clothing?

Question Title

* 9. What do you perceive unisex clothing to be/look like?

Question Title

* 10. Have you come across any unisex clothing ranges before?

Question Title

* 11. Is unisex clothing something you would wear?

Just the simple questions left to go... 
Thank you for your time this far.

Question Title

* 12. Are you: 

Question Title

* 13. How old are you?

Question Title

* 14. Please select which options apply to you:

I am...

Thank you for participating and taking the time to complete this survey. 

If you are open to possibly being contacted again for any further questions or research that I may do, please do provide an email address on the next page. Your email provided will be used for this purpose only.
Thank you.

Question Title

* 15. (Optional) I don't mind being contacted again, my email is:

Question Title

* 16. (Optional) Any further thoughts or comments?

Thank you for filling out this survey!

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Make sure to click the 'OK' button, then 'Done' - to submit your answers and finish the survey correctly, thank you!
0 of 16 answered