Towards a Hate Crime Charter for the Pickaquoy Centre

The Pickaquoy Centre and Disability Equality Scotland are partnering to improve inclusion in Orkney. We want to have public spaces that are safe and comfortable for everyone to use, and we need businesses to help us eradicate hate crime and make everyone feel safe to use the services that matter to them. 

An important part of this is making sure that people know how to recognise and report any abuse or mistreatment. We all can all play a part. To help us, you can fill in this short survey on your awareness and understanding of hate crime, as well as your experience of visiting the Pickaquoy Centre, to inform this important work. 

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions as honestly as you can. There are no right or wrong answers, we are just gathering information at this stage, and all responses are anonymous. Please remember to click 'Submit' at the end, otherwise your responses will not be recorded. Thank you for your participation.

Question Title

* 1. In general, how worried are you about being a victim of crime because of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity?

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* 2. How worried are you about being a victim of crime when visiting the Pickaquoy Centre because of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity?

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about hate crime, how safe do you feel when visiting the Pickaquoy Centre?

Question Title

* 4. Do you usually visit the Pickaquoy Centre alone, or in a group?

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* 5. Have you witnessed or been aware of abuse or hate crime against disabled people, vulnerable or minority groups when visiting the Pickaquoy Centre before?

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* 6. How confident are you that you can recognise abuse or hate crime against disabled, vulnerable or minority groups?

Question Title

* 7. Would you know how to report a hate crime if you had witnessed something, or been a victim of it?

Question Title

* 8. How confident would you be to report an incident of hate crime in the following situations?:

  1 - Not at all confident 2 - Fairly confident 3 - Completely confident
At the Pickaquoy Centre
At home
At the shops
On the ferry
On the bus
On the train
At the airport or on a plane
At my work
In the street

Question Title

* 9. Is there anything else that the Pickaquoy Centre could be doing to tackle hate crime? (Either the company as a whole, or its employees?)

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* 10. Do you have any of the following conditions which have lasted, or are expected to last at least 12 months? Please tick all that apply:

Thanks again for your participation, and please remember to click 'Submit' below so your responses are recorded.

For more information and resources on how to stay safe, visit The Disability Safety Hub (link opens in new tab). This website was developed by Disability Equality Scotland in partnership with Police Scotland to help you identify hate crime and how to report it. 

Your Data

By filling out this survey you agree that we will process your data in line with our Privacy Policy (link opens in new tab). We respect your trust and protect your privacy, and therefore will not share your personal information with third parties. We securely store this date until the end of the project in June 2022.

If you have any questions or change your mind contact Fiach@DisabilityEquality.Scot.