Business survey open to all until 30 March 2022

Does your business need support to recover from the pandemic?
Is hybrid or flexible working good for your business?
How can you get ahead?

Our university team is dedicated to understanding business performance and you can e-mail us via

All businesses can take part in this survey.
When replying please refer to your most recent business-owner or manager role.
This research aims to shape a better, happier future of work for us all.
This is our newest survey available for businesses via:
and for employees via:

Question Title

* 1. To check that you give your consent to take part, please read below and tick accordingly:

This is a 10-min survey aimed at understanding how better business practice can help us all.
Answers are via quick clicks, cursor-drags, drop-down menu or typing.
It is all full anonymised. There is no personal data collected in this survey.
Participation is voluntary - you can opt out without any consequences.
I shall keep information on my records indefinitely as strictly confidential.
I'll write anonymized reports which you can retrieve from me for free.
If needed, the ethics e-mail for confidential complaints is

I confirm that I have read the above information and I AGREE TO TAKE PART in this research:

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33% of survey complete.