Llangattock Community Council has been awarded nearly £50,000 to design and build an accessible path in the Recreation Ground so that people of all ages and abilities, including wheelchair users, can enjoy it. We need to decide how we want to construct the path and what we want it to do. We would welcome your feedback.

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* 1. What would you like to use the path for?

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Path plan for grant funding

<strong>Path plan for grant funding</strong>

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* 2. The plan above is the one we submitted to get the grant.  It shows the path going round the park, leaving space for ball games and other activities in the middle. Do you agree with this route?

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* 3. Depending on the type of surface we choose, the path could have a lifetime of 15-30 years before the council would need to carry out potentially costly repairs. Some surfaces are more ecologically sound than others e.g using recycled materials, but they may not last as long. What is your priority?

Sustainability Durability
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 4. Some surfaces are more expensive than others to lay down, which may mean we have to choose between a path going all the way around the park or completing it in sections. Please use the slider to tell us what is most important to you?

Getting all the way round Using the 'right' materials
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. If we had to choose which sections of the path to complete first, what would be your priority?

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* 6. We need to think about colour because people with dementia and visual impairments need a path to stand out.  At the same time, we need to consider the overall visual impact.  Please use the slider to set your balance between visibility and visual impact.

Highly visible Low visual impact
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 7. Recent community surveys have suggested we should turn the path into a trim trail, with stations for exercise equipment or play equipment.  This would require more grants, but is it a good idea?

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* 8. Depending on your answer to Q7, please say what equipment, if any, you would put round the path.

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* 9. It is difficult for wheelchair users to get through the centre of the village, by the Horse Shoe pub, because of very narrow pavements. Could the new path through the Recreation Ground form part of a wheelchair accessible walking and/or cycle route to and from Crickhowell?

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* 10. Also, if it was possible to adapt the kissing gates on the path from Llangattock Church to Crickhowell bridge to make it easier for wheelchairs, while preserving their historical character, would you be in favour of doing that?

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* 11. (Optional) Please provide your name, address and contact details.  In providing these, you consent to Llangattock Community Council holding your information and entering you into our newsletter mailing list.

Thank you for completing this survey.  Please click the 'Done' button below to submit your answers.