Twristiaeth Cymunedol - Community Tourism

Beth am edrych ar dwristiaeth mewn ffordd newydd? Ydi’r model sy’n bodoli yn gweddu i ni? Ydan ni’n cael y budd gorau ohono? Ydan ni’n darparu’r gefnlen ond heb elwa o’n gwaith? Mae'r haf eleni wedi bod yn anodd. Mae llawer iawn wedi gwneud colled ofnadwy, neu yn waetha fyth, wedi gorfod cau eu drysau’n gyfan gwbl. Ond mae straeon o lwyddiant hefyd. Hoffwn gael clywed sut mae’r haf yma wedi dylanwadu arno chi a’ch busnes.

How about looking at tourism in a new way? Does the existing model suit us? Are we getting the most out of it? Do we provide the backdrop but don't see any of the benefit from our work? This summer has been difficult. Many have suffered terrible losses with a number having to close completely. However, there are also stories of success. We would like to know how this summer has impacted on you and your business.