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For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, Mission

Welcome to the online form for submitting responses to the Synod questions. If you are coming to this as an individual, you may like to consider the questions first by using the booklet found at, make a note of your thoughts and then come here to submit your answers.

If you are submitting a compilation of feedback from a group or a parish, you may continue using this form.

If you have any questions about the Synod process or technical queries, please email
There is a Frequently Asked Question document available at

Thank you for your interest and commitment to the Synod project. You will need to complete this form in one visit. Unfortunately, if you leave the form half finished, your submission will not be recorded. You may like to type or write your answers in a different location and then come to this form ready to submit all the information.

Question Title

* Section 1 - Communion

Journeying companions

Think of those who form our parish community as we journey together. Which people or groups are on the edges of our community? Whom do we know who no longer walks with us, those who used to and now we don’t see? How do we engage with those for whom the experience of Covid has prompted thoughts about faith? How do we welcome people?

(the comment boxes will expand as you type - there is no limit on words)

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at accompanying people on their journey of faith’?

0 0 = strongly disagree  5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Listening

Do we listen to each other? How do we best do this – people to people, clergy to clergy, bishops to bishops? How do we deepen our listening, making it a “a listening of the heart” and not just of the issues and subjects at hand? How do we ensure that the Church responds to the culture and needs of society?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at heart to heart listening’? (Please circle)

0 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Speaking Out

What is the communication like in our group/parish/diocese? Do we have the freedom to speak freely, openly, and respectfully? How am I living out my Christian life?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at communication’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Section 2 - Participation


Do our celebrations in Church inspire a deeper encounter with the risen Lord? How does my prayer – both individually and in my community – enable my participation in the mission of the Church? Is the Eucharist the centre of mine, and my community’s life? What flows from the Sunday (or daily) Eucharist, from our communities into the world? What do I give thanks to God for in prayer? What do I seek from him?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at celebrating the depth and breadth of our faith’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Co-responsibility in the Mission

Do I understand the mission of the Church - in my own life, in the local church, and the universal church? How do our lives relate to the Great Commission of Jesus (Matt 28:18- 20*)? What formation do I need to be more committed to the mission of the Church? What impact is our local community making in the area – do we make a difference?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at empowering a sense of Mission’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Dialogue in Church and Society

How do we understand dialogue (respectful conversation) between Church and the wider Society? Do we see dialogue as a unique contribution that the Church can make to the world? How do we address the challenges that dialogue brings about? How do we begin to dialogue with others?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at Dialogue with the wider community’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Other Christian Denominations

What is our relationship with other Christian communities? Do we listen to each other as we journey on our pilgrim way? What enriches us from other traditions? What do we offer them from ours?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at building relationships with other denominations’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Section 3 - Mission

Authority and Participation

How is authority exercised in our communities? How do we preach the Gospel? How does our parish community bring people closer to Christ? What groups or courses are available, what initiatives are in place? What are the fruits of this collaboration, and what are the obstacles and challenges?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at empowering participation’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Discerning and Deciding

How do we discern together the direction in which the Holy Spirit is leading us? Is there freedom to exercise my particular gifts in the Church, and participate in this common work of discernment and decision making? Is my parish community accountable and transparent in decision making? What can help improve this? Do I support the Bishops and the Priests in arriving at their decisions?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at discerning and deciding’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* Forming ourselves in Synodality

What additional formation do I need to be a missionary disciple? Is the local community effective in catechising and passing on the faith? What tools are necessary for the Church to be truly synodal, listening and journeying together? How do we continue the listening and dialogue beyond this process so that the Church have a “lived synodality” as the Holy Father asks?

Question Title

* Based on your (or your group's) thoughts about this question, and on a scale of 1-5, do you agree/disagree with this statement:

‘The Church is good at being synodal’?

1 0 = strongly disagree 5 = strongly agree 5
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.
0 of 21 answered