
In 2019 Government will review spending across all departments. It’s never been more important to make the case for theatre funding.

Help UK Theatre and Society of London Theatre evidence the social, economic and place making outcomes of your work by completing this survey. We will then create short, evidence-based case studies.

We want evidence and data that shows the instrumental value of theatre - show how money invested though theatre achieves many of the Government's aims such as increasing social mobility, improving health outcomes, reducing loneliness, etc.

We want to be able to bring to life these arguments using case study examples that show the benefits to the individual, to the community and nationally. 

For example - ideally, we are looking for impact of specific projects or programmes, or if a theatre works with a specific audience. For example xxx theatre ran a year long programme for new mothers, which reduced isolation and loneliness, but it also had an impact on their community. It cost xxx, took xx resource. It engaged xxx amount of women. We know the programme was successful because xxx (for instance, the mothers still regularly meet, or, they reported that their mental health had improved). 

We are looking for short and concise answers that demonstrate the above please. 

UK Theatre will use them to raise awareness with government and other stakeholders about the importance of local and national funding to the ongoing success of the theatre industry, its audiences and communities.

This survey will take about 5 to 10 minutes. 

Download the questions here first so you can discuss them with your team before completing the survey. 

Question Title

* 1. We are collecting this information to inform our advocacy to government and other stakeholders and our policy work to support the sector.

UK Theatre and SOLT will name your business as one of the organisations participating in this research. We will only use the data you provide for these stated purposes.

Please confirm that you consent to participating in this research.