About the PDA Ability Network

Since the PDA Ability Network launched in April 2020, it has grown to over 75 members.  

We are now conducting a survey in order to better understand our members and to inform the activities of the Network going forward, both from the PDA staff side and to assist the Ability Network committee when they come into post following elections in Autumn 2021.

The survey begins by asking some general questions about what you want to see from the Network.  There are then some equalities monitoring questions, which will aid our intersectional work, followed by some final questions about getting involved in the Network.

We would really appreciate your time in completing the survey, which is estimated to take no longer than 10 minutes.

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* 1. What was your main reason for joining the Network?

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* 2. What do you most want to get out of the Network?

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* 3. The first Ability Network meeting took place online in May 2021. If additional opportunities were in place to network virtually with other members, how frequently would you prefer to be able to do this?

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* 4. When is most convenient for you to join an online meeting? (select all that apply)

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* 5. If you've got any other comments about what you’d like to see more or less of from the Network, please enter them here