What should our priorities be for lobbying and advocacy?

This survey is about the 21 'calls for action' from our recent report ‘In Case of Emergency, on the actions we want to see taken by our local Oxfordshire councils – the County, the City and the four Districts. They are based on existing local policies, on the responses to the survey, and on current national climate policy issues.

We need to focus our efforts. We therefore need to decide which of these should be priorities for advocacy and lobbying in the near future.  We therefore invite you to help us and select those which you think are priorities. You can access the report here: https://www.oxfoe.co.uk/oxford-friends-of-the-earth/climate-action/climatesurvey/

Some councils have already implemented some of these recommendations. We welcome that and encourage them to share learning with others. While all the councils have set long term targets, we strongly encourage our councils to focus now on reducing emissions in the next four years. The sooner that emissions start to fall rapidly, the lower the total emissions will be on the route to a zero carbon county, and the easier it will be to reach that goal.

The calls for action are in the survey box below. Some are edited to save space- a complete set (as in the report) are here:  https://www.oxfoe.co.uk/climatesurvey/

Following the main question there are a few short questions about you - these are optional but help us know that we have gathered responses from a wide range of people.  If you leave your email we will keep you posted om the results and next steps.

Question Title

* 1. What issues should local action focus on?  Please choose seven from the 21 choices