Otley Town Council and Otley BID have commissioned People and Places Insight Limited to undertake a Benchmarking review in the town centre. Benchmarking has been conducted in over 350 locations in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Data is gathered on Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to measure town centre performance and we would particularly like your contribution on one of the KPI’s; Business Confidence.

In terms of Business Confidence, by establishing the trading conditions within the town centre, stakeholders can focus their regeneration efforts on building on existing strengths and addressing any specific issues. 

The information gathered will be included in the overall Benchmarking report, which will be produced by People and Places Insight Limited and will be made available for review.

Please take 2 minutes to complete this important survey. If you have any questions regarding Benchmarking and/or this survey, please contact;

Mike King, People and Places Insight Ltd, at mike.king@people-places.co.uk

Please use the 'NEXT' and 'PREVIOUS' buttons to navigate through the questions. At the end of the survey click 'DONE' to submit.