
Overview of Notting Hill Genesis
Notting Hill Genesis (NHG) was formed in April 2018 following the amalgamation of Notting Hill Housing Trust and Genesis Housing Association Limited. We are now one of the largest housing associations in London and the south-east, owning and managing more than 66,000 homes and employing around 2,000 staff.
We provide homes across a range of tenures and are committed to continuing to deliver housing that is affordable for all. More than half our homes are general needs properties charged at social or affordable rent levels. However, we also offer extra care and supported accommodation for older people, temporary housing, shared ownership, market rent, key worker and student accommodation and commercial properties.
Our purpose is to provide homes for low-income households in London and the south east. We have the financial strength to invest in our social purpose, to build quality, affordable homes in thriving communities, to provide modern and valued services, and to create amazing places. This is our primary purpose and everything else we do supports that. For more information about NHG, see our website: www.nhg.org.uk 
Overview of the project
NHG are about to go to tender for our Heat Network Operation & Maintenance, Metering and Billing contracts. The current contracts have been in place for several years and will be expiring in the summer of 2023. NHG are looking to have new contracts in place for May 2023 with a 3 month mobilisation period.  NHG have 36 Heat Networks across London, Essex and Suffolk, with the majority of the stock being within the Greater London area. This contract would also cover any new developments which go live during the duration of the contract
The current strategy is to procure two lots for these services.
Lot 1 - Operation, Maintenance and Metering of the Heat Network
This would be split into different geographical locations, and will be named Lot 1a – Region 1 and Lot 1b – Region 2 . The geographical locations have not yet been decided and are open for discussion
NHG will have several pass / fail criteria within the tender. NHG are currently looking for suppliers to have at least one site registered with the Heat Trust to bid for Lot 1a and Lot 1b. If suppliers do not have a scheme registered, then we reserve the right to disqualify suppliers and their tenders will not be evaluated. NHG reserve the right to change this approach at ITT stage.
Lot 2 – Billing
This Lot will be broken down into two lots 2a and 2b. The lots will not be defined by regions, instead they will be broken down by the different types of Hardware within the NHG profile, this includes Guru, Secure and G6.
Bidders can bid for multiple lots. NHG have not yet decided how many lots one bidder can win. This will be finalised once we have reviewed the responses from the Soft Market Testing.
Please complete the survey by Wednesday 21st September 2022.