1. Introduction

25% of survey complete.
As a result of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, all Local Authorities have a statutory duty to consult and plan with appropriate stakeholders every two years.

This years consultation will be:
  • on the flexibility of early learning and childcare provision and;
  • open from Monday 3 June 2019 to Friday 5 July 2019.  
With the collated information, we aim to design a service which meets the needs of the children and families in Aberdeenshire.   We are therefore, seeking the views of all parents/carers, professionals and other interested stakeholders on how best these services can meet their needs.

Further information on early learning and childcare can be found on Aberdeenshire at https://www.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/social-care-and-health/childcare-and-early-learning/