APPENDIX C  - Welcome to My Survey

7% of survey complete.
Welcome to my survey.  I am very grateful that you have volunteered to take part in this research to help me with my dissertation for my MEd with the University of Birmingham.

I am interested in exploring the methods that are used to support adults on the autistic spectrum who are over the age of 16 and whose behaviour sometimes causes a concern to family or friend carers. There has been a move in health and social care recently to ensure that individuals are empowered to make choices, however this needs to be balanced with the need to keep them and others around them healthy and safe. As a carer myself, I realise this a difficult balancing act so I am researching what methods are currently used to manage behaviours and whether further support is needed to achieve more independent choices for those we care for, by using the least restrictive interventions.

Restrictive interventions put simply, are "stopping someone from doing something they want to do or making someone do something they don't want to do."

Your identity will be completely hidden and your anonymity preserved.  I will not know who completed this survey as you have accessed it through a web link,  so please answer all questions as honestly and fully as you can so I can get a true representation for my research.  Please only complete this survey if you are a family or friend carer.

This survey should take you around 30 minutes(less if you do not complete the comment boxes). There are several comment boxes that are optional but it would help me if you could complete them with a little more information. I would be grateful if you would answer all the questions but there is no obligation to do so and you can withdraw at any time or leave out answering any question you are not comfortable with.

Data Protection Bit
The information you provide will be collected and analysed, the results will be recorded in my report and possibly used to inform future care practice.  No information will identify the participant or those they care for.  All information will be stored electronically and will be password protected.  My report will be submitted to the University of Birmingham and to Dudley MBC.  If you wish to have a copy of my findings, this will be available on request by contacting me on .  The information you provide will be deleted once the research is completed

If you are happy to consent to helping me, please continue on to the survey.

Thank you for participating in my survey. I really appreciate your valuable  time.